[CentOS] nss_ldap 5.2 update question

Tue Jul 29 19:30:07 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

David Halik wrote:
> Hi all, I was just wondering when this update will trickle down into the 
> Centos repo:
> http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2008-0611.html
> Obviously, it just came out yesterday, so I'm not expecting it to 
> suddenly appear. ;) Just curious what the turn around time usually is 
> for RHEL bug fixes that get released and when we should expect it.
> As a side note, does anyone know if there is a way to get a hold of an 
> update like this without having support access to the RHN? I'm guessing 
> I just have to wait for a Centos release.

it is released ... you should be able to get it from mirror.centos.org

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