[CentOS] You didn't give me some packages, so now I'm giving you some! R, TexLive, LyX, Gnumeric, etc.

Tue Jul 29 22:01:38 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Paul Johnson wrote:
> People keep sending me to RPMforge, but apparently you don't go there
> yourselves to see you are sending me nowhere.  Follow your advice:
> https://rpmrepo.org/RPMforge/
> Go to the 2nd section called "Packagers".  Click either of these:
> Building RPMforge packages
> Contributing RPM packages
> Both links point to pages that have not yet been created.

Oh, sorry. The answer is in the FAQ :)


I hadn't even looked at the rest of the page knowing it was in there. 


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