[CentOS] Re: To upgrade or not

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Wed Jun 25 22:56:55 UTC 2008

on 6-25-2008 3:39 PM Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd spake the following:
>> 5.1 is not a different distro than 5.2. If you update 5.1 it becomes 
>> 5.2. You don't go out and say "update to 5.2", you just yum update, 
>> and it becomes 5.2.
>> Think of it in Windows terms as Centos 5 sp1 (service pack 1) or 
>> Centos 5 sp2.
>> If you want to stay with 5.1 you no longer get updates.
> are you speaking as an official representative of CentOS?
If you want something from an Offical CentOS rep, then read
but it is a little dated since it only refers to Centos 3 and 4.

You know that the docs are the last thing that gets done!  ;-P

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