Karanbir Singh wrote: > > You can always just disable the yum-fastestmirror plugin if its not > working well for you. In /etc/yum/pluginconf.d there should be a file > called fastestmirror.conf - look in there, and change enabled=1 to > enabled=0. Might be worth running it with verbose=1 for a little while > to work out whats going on. Perhaps also reduce the maxhostfileage value > to have fastestmirror speed check each mirror more often. > > There is also always the option of only using mirrors you know work > well. To do that, comment out the mirrorlist= lines from > /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and replace them with baseurl=<url to > mirror>. You can have multiple mirrors listed there. man yum.conf for > more info on that. > Thanks. I have already set enable=0. That helps. I will try your other suggestions. I suspect this is something unique. Initial transfers are fast but then things get very slow.