[CentOS] Rejecting spam

Tue Mar 4 21:00:48 UTC 2008
Tim Alberts <talberts at msiscales.com>

John Hinton wrote:
> There are milters for SpamAssassin. You can set them to reject mail at 
> a particular score level. So, if for instance you felt comfortable 
> with rejecting mail at a score of 10, which is pretty reliable, you 
> can also do that at smtp level.
BINGO  That's exactly what I'm trying to do with spamass-milter.  
However it either won't do it, or my configuration is incorrect.  Mail 
marked as spam is still being delivered as normal?

> Just in case it hasn't been said, never bounce mail but only reject.
Indeed, reject at the smtp level..yes..that's the goal.