[CentOS] PHP Segfaults on Centos 5 and PBX in a Flash but not Trixbox

Sat Mar 22 22:51:16 UTC 2008
Nigel Kendrick <support-lists at petdoctors.co.uk>

Hi Guys,

Any known reasons why PHP 5 (Centos 5) might be segfaulting on an Asus A7V8X
mobo with an Athlon 2400XP (1GB RAM). Everything else works fine and I had
done some system/RAM tests so I am pretty sure the hardware's OK. Here's
what I have found:

Vanilla CentOS 5 - PHP segfaults
yum remove/install PHP on above - PHP segfaults
PBX in a Flash iso (based on CentOS5) - PHP segfaults
Latest Trixbox (CentOS 5) iso (PHP 5.2.2-3) - OK

I wonder if it may be down to compiler or optimisation flags. Any thoughts -
Ideally I want to run PBX in a Flash.


Nigel Kendrick