[CentOS] backup to disk

Mon Mar 31 15:44:40 UTC 2008
Ray Leventhal <centos at swhi.net>

Ned Slider wrote:
> Ray Leventhal wrote:
>> I'm looking for common practices for backing up user data to disk.  
>> My user data is all in /home.  I'm also interested in what folks are 
>> doing for things backing up os and configs.
> In a mixed Linux/Windows environment, I deployed a Linux backup server 
> and mounted users data directories on the backup server using smb/cifs 
> and then did a "local" rsync of the mounted dirs to the backup dir 
> (easy to run as a cron job each night). Further backups may then be 
> written to removable storage for off site storage or additional disks 
> in case of drive failure. I like rsync for backing up changing data 
> sets such as users data.
> To negate the risks/downtime associated with hard drive failure, I 
> cloned the original OS setup using dd to spare HDs and locked them in 
> the safe. Primary drive failure would require replacement of the 
> drives (and a system update) and restoring data from the latest 
> backups, although there's no reason one couldn't run 2 near identical 
> backup servers side by side if the hardware is available.
> There are simply so many different ways one could implement a backup 
> strategy depending on hardware available, what software you're 
> comfortable with, whether you want to script your own or use a backup 
> package, the type of data you need to back up etc. The *important* 
> thing is that you're comfortable with your backup procedure, it meets 
> your needs, it's performed regularly, it's tested and it works.

Hi Ned,

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.  I've cloned the OS drive already and 
it is safely locked away.  We're an entirely off-internet system, so 
updates aren't even a problem.  The issue is the user data and with what 
you and others have written, I'm considering doing a local rsync to a 
second set of mirrored drives already in the box (but as of now disused).

Kind regards,