[CentOS] Re: some help on mrepo please

Tue Mar 4 18:43:36 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 3-3-2008 11:40 PM Rudi Ahlers spake the following:
>> I have downloaded & installed mrepo on my SME 7.3 (CentOS 4.6) 
>> server, which is our main file & email server, and internet gateway.
>> I have got CentOS 5.0 i386 & x86_64 DVD's, and CentOS 5.1 i386 & 
>> x86_64 CD1, where do I copy these? I have setup 
>> /etc/mrepo.conf.d/centos5.conf with both i386 & x86_64 arch, but how 
>> will mrepo know that CentOS 5.0 & CentOS 5.1 are different?
> That is the first real misconception you need to overcome. 5.0 and 5.1 
> aren't really "different". They are the same software at different 
> patch levels. Similar to Windows XP with service pack 1 and Windows XP 
> with service pack 2. There are very few reasons to stay with an older 
> release of the software, and if you don't know what those reasons are, 
> you don't need to use the older releases.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I understand the different versions fully :) The only reason I have 
both, is cause of some servers still running on CentOS 5.0, and we're 
only starting to move to 5.1. But, I do have some DVD's with 5.0 (both 
i386 & x86_64), so I'm not going to bother with 5.0 on the local 
repository. I'll only rsync the 5.1 (i386 & x86_64) files from the 
remote servers. We still have a lot of i386 CPU's, and some 64bit CPU's 
as well, so it will help a lot to have the 32bit files / rpm's as well


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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