[CentOS] Re: Rejecting spam

Tue Mar 4 21:03:49 UTC 2008
Tim Alberts <talberts at msiscales.com>

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 3-4-2008 12:32 PM Tim Alberts spake the following:
>> That's exactly what I don't want to do.  I don't want the mail being 
>> delivered to my system.  That's why I'm using the milter.  However 
>> the milter is doing the exact same thing as delivering it when it is 
>> marked as spam.  That's what I am hoping to get some help with.
> Looking at the docs, spamass-milter doesn't do any rejecting. I 
> believe you can do it with mimedefang, but you will have to go through 
> their docs to figure it out.
OK, that's what I was suspicious of.

I've been reading the sendmail docs for header tests thinking I can 
write something in sendmail that will look for the X-Spam-flag header 
and reject based on that.  Anyone try that yet?
