[CentOS] install webmin

Thu Mar 6 14:25:39 UTC 2008
Hiep Nguyen <hiep at ee.ucr.edu>

On Thu, 6 Mar 2008, Matt Hyclak wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 02:00:00PM +0100, Ralph Angenendt enlightened us:
>>> what about openssl.
>>> yum search openssl and found a lot, but
>>> yum install openssl, nothing install.
>>> is it possible to install openssl using yum???
>> Yes.
>> And it probably already is installed. How about reading some
>> documentation?
>> <http://centos.org/docs/5/> should keep you busy for a day or two ...
> I've suggested this twice already, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears...

i did, but not 940 pages and understand/remember everything.  i read the 
section that i need for my task, but found none that why i asked. if one 
can read/understand/remember all related docs that google returned, then 
none of us will be here on this forum.

t. hiep