[CentOS] Migrate Outlook Express mail to Thunderbird?

Tue Mar 11 15:36:49 UTC 2008
Niki Kovacs <contact at kikinovak.net>

John Plemons a écrit :

> There are several open source utilities to convert .pst files to mbox 
> files such as readpst <http://kontact.kde.org/kmail/tools.php> , libpst 
> <http://alioth.debian.org/projects/libpst/Libpst> and Outport 
> <http://outport.sourceforge.net/> . Thunderbird uses a separate mbox 
> file for each folder to store all of the messages for that folder. None 
> of those utilities seem to be under active development and they only 
> support some of the versions of .pst files. 

The Outlook Express mailboxes I want to import are .dbx files.