[CentOS] Re: SSH, SCP connections to remote MySQL Database using OpenOffice Possible?

Wed Mar 12 11:52:56 UTC 2008
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com> wrote:

>  for the record...I used the default OODBC drivers for postgres on both
>  CentOS 4 and now Cent OS 5 but the postgres db I use is localhost. I
>  mostly use the ODBC drivers from my Fedora desktop (not localhost
>  obviously) and they work fine.
>  so when you state "The default ODBC drivers from the unixODBC package
>  don't work. Period." I have to say that in my limited experience, they
>  do indeed work with postgres. I don't generally use MySQL for anything
>  other than special purpose stuff (horde/sqlgrey) and have little
>  interest in reporting from them.

Yeah, when I sent the email I was letting personal emotion get in my
way because it was frustrating me. I realized shortly before falling
asleep that I'd been doing this on my workstation, which has been
around since god-knows-when, and has god-knows-what left on it. I
think I'll stand up a test vm or second box with just the unixODBC
bits and no other java remnants and retest with mysql. Hopefully this
time I'll manage to keep my yap shut until I've figured it all out :-P

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell