[CentOS] Re: Recommendations for a �card on Centos box

Fri Mar 14 16:16:06 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 3-14-2008 6:31 AM Therese Trudeau spake the following:
>> That is true, buy high quality stuff up front for fewer problems down
>> the road. Not a sure bet, but a better one. In the half dozen systems
>> I've been running at home for the past several years none of them
>> have suffered a hardware failure of any kind(fortunately). I've been
>> running PC Power and Cooling power supplies for about 9 years now,
>> really high quality PSUs(last one I bought was about 4 years ago, can't
>> speak for their quality now).
> So for a top quality power supply for a mission critical desktop machine, which
> brand(s) would you reccomend?  One of the towers I have is a Thermaltake 
> Xaser 3 with lots of room, and I just bought a new Antec Sonata III tower
> with a 500 watt PS.
>> So BBU is certainly a nice thing to have but at least in my
>> experience isn't absolutely critical.
> Then for a Mission critical desktop machine, if you had to make
> a choice, would you go with a good quality UPS and/or redundant
> power supplies, or a BBU instead?
>> Of course for absolutely critical things I don't use server-based
>> RAID anyways. Multiple redundant controllers, multiple redundant
>> paths(to both the disks and to the hosts), is the way to go(assuming
>> your application(s) aren't built to be able to run on something
>> like a distributed file system). I've seen that some of the
>> latest HP servers have dual ported SAS disks, which sounds pretty
>> neat. I assume they still only have one controller though.
> As an alternative to RAID1 for a mission critical desktop machine @
> home, what would you reccomend?  Maybe a bare metal restore solution
> able to restore to different hardware, (i.e. if a motherboard dies and drive
> crashes due to power spike or some catastrophe,  I'm screwed
> if I can't find the exact same make - model)?
Explain your definition of a mission critical desktop. Does the entire 
enterprise stop functioning if this desktop stops?
I am THE tech support for my company, but my desktop could die right now, and 
although I would be heartbroken and a little peeved, I could just fire up my 
lappy and get back to work in a few minutes. I usually have 2 desktops 
running, just in case I need to put out fires while my main desktop is doing 
the windows reboot dance.

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