[CentOS] Incremental backups?

Sat Mar 15 07:44:06 UTC 2008
Mogens Kjaer <mk at crc.dk>

Scott R. Ehrlich wrote:
> I'm looking at tar as an option, with its --incremental switch.   Bacula 
> uses a mysql database.  I tried setting it up and it was not so easy, so 
> I opted to use my time for other tasks.  Same for Amanda.

I use:

cd /
tar cvlbf 512 /dev/nst0 \
           --multi-volume --new-volume-script /usr/local/bin/mtxnext \
           --ignore-failed-read \
           --listed-incremental /home/root/backup/incremental_logfile \
           . >$LOGDIR/root_$BACKUPDATE.log 2>&1

A full backup is done once every week, followed by daily incremental
backups: This is controlled by the tape status. Every Monday we
replace the tapes in the robot. So when no tape is loaded in the
drive this signals that a full backup must be done.

To make a full backup, I simply erase /home/root/backup/incremental_logfile
before doing the above command.

The mtxnext script selects the next tape on the robot
and waits for the robot to finish.


Mogens Kjaer, Carlsberg A/S, Computer Department
Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark
Phone: +45 33 27 53 25, Fax: +45 33 27 47 08
Email: mk at crc.dk Homepage: http://www.crc.dk