[CentOS] Firefox 3

Sat Mar 15 19:52:11 UTC 2008
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Niki Kovacs wrote:
> I see that the folks from Red Hat decided to completely ignore Firefox 
> 2.0: an eloquent detail.

2.0 didnt bring anything new enough to rebase to. The issue was well 
thrashed out about a year back I believe.

> Now it's more than once that I've read good things about Firefox 3. Much 
> less RAM-hungry than it's predecessors, excellent standards compliance, 
> much more stable. What's the best way to get Firefox 3 on my CentOS 5.1? 
> Is there some RPM for RHEL somewhere? Some SRPM? Or simply wait 
> patiently for CentOS 5.2?

Firefox3 isnt relased yet, so the first step would be to sit and wait 
for it to release.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522219 at icq