[CentOS] Samba Fstab and Automount

Fri Mar 21 15:45:28 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

John wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 08:02 -0700, Akemi Yagi wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 7:52 AM, John <jses27 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 09:30 -0500, Barry Brimer wrote:
>>>  > > Anyone see anything wrong with the configuration? I also read the How To
>>>  > > on the Wiki and no luck on doing the auto.smb.top and auto.smb.sub
>>>  > > configuration? Any ideas what maybe going on? Thanks in advance for any
>>>  > > help on this.
>> Is the wiki howto you are referring to is this?
>> http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/WindowsShares
> Correct
>>>  Mar 21 10:01:33 ethan automount[30874]: open_mount: (mount):cannot open
>>>  mount module cifs (/usr/lib/autofs/mount_cifs.so: cannot open shared
>>>  object file: No such file or directory)
>>>  Bu the way, there is no "module_cifs.so" in /usr/lib/autofs and package
>>>  autofs does not have it any more?? Why is it looking for it? I suspect
>>>  that's  why AutoMount want mount the file system from the server??
>> Did you really read the above wiki and follow the instructions
>> precisely as they are written?  For example, the error you mentioned
>> here is touched upon in the wiki:
>> "[Note: Upon automounting, you may see an error mount_cifs.so: cannot
>> open shared object file in /var/log/messages. This is harmless and can
>> be safely ignored.]"
> Yes I read about it, (the error). Any other pointers you can give on it?
> Auto mount that is. I searched various How Tos on the net and every
> config I use will not work. Also server and client can be accesed by
> physical name and ip address.
> One other thought; would Samba Server producing a "Err can't stat
> directory as a file" have anything to do with it.
> Server Version is: samba-3.0.25b-1.el5_1.4 on Server
> Client Version is:  samba-client-3.0.23c-2.el5.2.0.2 on Client
> Client Autofs is:  autofs-5.0.1-0.rc2.55.el5.3 on Client

why are you using Samba, an implementation of the Microsoft Windows 
native file sharing, on a Unix to Unix connection, instead of the Unix 
native NFS ?