[CentOS] Securing SSH

Tue Mar 25 18:46:35 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

John R Pierce wrote:
> Rudi Ahlers wrote:
>> Tim Alberts wrote:
>>> ... sounds great for getting around a remote dynamic IP address, but 
>>> some more authentication/security on that web page is necessary, 
>>> otherwise, anyone who finds that web page is given access?
>>> _______________________________________________
>> Why?
>> What is on that site which is very specific to the setup?
> he's referring to YOUR controlling webpage, which they refer to as 
> my-sshd-access.php there.
> _______________________________________________
aah ok.
But that's something he should either not use if necessary, or rather 
secure with a .htaccess password.


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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