[CentOS] Rejecting valid mail (including this mailing list)

Tue Mar 25 22:24:59 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Sam Drinkard wrote:
>                                                          One link I ran 
> across said that ordb.org went out of business or stopped their service in 
> Dec of '06.  If that's the case, why is their info still being listed in 
> some of the sendmail configs, and others still advertising it's use.
> dnl # FEATURE(`dnsbl', `relays.ordb.org', `"550 Email rejected due to 
> sending server misconfiguration - see 
> http://www.ordb.org/faq/\#why_rejected"')dnl

host relays.ordb.org comes back with 

Host relays.ordb.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

So yes, that blacklist isn't there anymore. 

Why sendmail choses to block mails when the dnsbl isn't reachable should
be asked on some sendmail related list.

But: If you plan to use blacklists, you *really* should know *why* the
blacklist blocks *what* *when*, as you are letting *others* decide on
what to do with your mails. Which - IMNSHO - is plain stupid. 

So if you don't know what the blacklist is doing: DO NOT USE IT.

And if you're not really really really sure what you are doing regarding
that: Don't do it.


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