[CentOS] Re: new CentOS5.1, samba help requested

Thu Mar 27 10:21:24 UTC 2008
Anne Wilson <cannewilson at googlemail.com>

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 22:37:38 Scott Silva wrote:
> on 3-26-2008 2:22 PM Anne Wilson spake the following:
> > On Wednesday 26 March 2008 20:50:46 John wrote:
> >> Thanks for posting the config file but comparing it to mine I see
> >> nothing wrong. I am going to do a clean install of the server and start
> >> over with Cent OS 5.1. It use to be a RHEL updated to centos maybe
> >> that's the reason for the problems???
> >
> > Nope - mine was a clean install.  In the morning I'll do a compare with
> > my settings, but I use a very simplified [global] as recommended for my
> > situation in Samba 3 by Example, so many of those settings will not be
> > there. With any luck I might find one that helps.
> >
> > Anne
> Have you both made sure that your xp clients aren't using simple file
> sharing? That disables credential passing and instead passes guest with no
> password.

I haven't even tried an XP connection since I installed CentOS, but I'll check 
that out when I do.  Meanwhile, getting it to work correctly for the linux 
boxes is more important.

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