[CentOS] Commands failing silently?

Thu Mar 27 15:31:26 UTC 2008
Dan Bongert <dbongert at wisc.edu>

Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Dan Bongert <dbongert at wisc.edu> wrote:
>>  thoth(3) /tmp> ls
>>  thoth(4) /tmp> echo $?
>>  141
> 141 is SIGPIPE. If the process is killed by a signal, the return code
> will be 128+signal number. 141-128=13, and kill -l says: 13) SIGPIPE.
> SIGPIPE means that something that ls is writing to is being closed.
> That's really strange, and I couldn't find why.
> I still think strace would be the best way to trace it. Please try:
> # rm -f /tmp/ls-strace.txt; strace -o /tmp/ls-strace.txt -tt -s 1024
> -f ls --color=tty
> Repeat it until ls doesn't print anything. Then less your
> /tmp/ls-strace.txt file, you'll probably have something like +++
> killed by SIGPIPE +++ as the last line of it. Then try to figure out
> what happened before it got the SIGPIPE. Probably a "write" to
> something, try to figure out to which file descriptor. If you can't do
> it, try to post the last few lines of the file here.

I tried it, but as I said before, strace somehow interferes with what's 
going on. I wasn't able to get a program to fail via strace.

> Also, can you post the output of this command?
> # ls -la /proc/$$/fd/

thoth(265) /tmp> ls -la /proc/$$/fd/

thoth(266) /tmp> ls -la /proc/$$/fd/
total 5
dr-x------  2 dbongert dbongert  0 Mar 27 10:17 .
dr-xr-xr-x  3 dbongert dbongert  0 Mar 27 10:03 ..
lrwx------  1 dbongert dbongert 64 Mar 27 10:17 0 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------  1 dbongert dbongert 64 Mar 27 10:17 1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------  1 dbongert dbongert 64 Mar 27 10:17 2 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------  1 dbongert dbongert 64 Mar 27 10:17 255 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------  1 dbongert dbongert 64 Mar 27 10:17 3 -> socket:[4425494]

Dan Bongert                     dbongert at wisc.edu