[CentOS] Re: A few questions regarding CentOS (5.0)

Thu Mar 27 20:00:22 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 3-27-2008 12:36 PM Morten Nilsen spake the following:
> Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> If the command rpm -q centos-release returns 
>> centos-release-5-1.0.el5.centos.1 then you *are* running CentOS 5 
>> update 1.
> I had previously looked at /etc/issue, which says "release 5 (Final)"..
> # rpm -q centos-release
> centos-release-5-0.0.el5.centos.2
> centos-release-5-1.0.el5.centos.1
> hmm, that doesn't look right to me..?
It looks like your system crashed in the middle of a yum update.

The attached script should fix it up, but check it first, don't just run it.

I would rather you see what it is doing, so you can follow the logic (if you 
can, it does a lot of pipes in and out of other commands). Maybe trim a copy 
to just after the first "grep" and look at the list it produces.

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