[CentOS] Re: Installing Postfix/Dovecot

Thu Mar 27 23:26:04 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Giulio Troccoli wrote:
> John R Pierce wrote:
>> Giulio Troccoli wrote:
>>> Finally I want to install majordomo to manage some MLs.
>> check out Mailman as an alternative to the very archaic majordomo.    
>> this centos list is hosted by mailman
> Thanks for the hint. That is still far away. I have to sort 
> postfix/dovecot out first.

when you're ready,

  $ sudo yum install mailman
  $ more /usr/share/doc/mailman-2.1.9/INSTALL.REDHAT

and follow those instructions to get things going.   once its setup, 
visit the mailman website for more operrational info, but its really 
quite straightforward, mail lists are managed by webpages