[CentOS] Sound card problem

Sun Mar 30 21:22:23 UTC 2008
David G. Miller <dave at davenjudy.org>

"William L. Maltby" <CentOS4Bill at triad.rr.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 21:57 -0600, David G. Miller wrote:
>> > I came into an Abit AX8 motherboard and single core AMD Athlon 64 FX.  I 
>> > did a quick install of CentOS 5.0 on it to make sure everything worked 
>> > and then returned the hard disk and case to the original owner.  After 
>> > getting a new case and hard disk, I downloaded the CentOS 5.1 cd images 
>> > and installed.
> I am on CentOS 4.x, and a 32 bit system. But I have the same sound
> setup. I don't have a clue yet, but I thought if I posted my stuff, it
> might help.
> First, I think BIOS settings can affect the success/failure/stability of
> things. It might be worth experimenting there although you don't mention
> having changed anything.
> On my system, there seems to be a little "flakiness" re the sound.
> Sometimes just clicking the "Open Volume Control" and muting/unmuting a
> few things fixes it. This seems to be needed less with recent updates to
> the 4.x stuff (again, 32 bit).
> There is a kernel parameter that may have affect - see the end of this
> post.
> I wish that I could be more helpful, but I just use the stuff.  :-( 
Turns out it was a wiring problem.  Weird that it causes the driver 
module not to load.  The original owner suggested that might be the 
problem so, after trying a CentOS 5.0 kernel and building and trying a kernel I decided to crack the case.  I pulled the cable for the 
case's front audio and mic off the motherboard and tried with that 
configuration.  The good news was I no longer got the error documented 
in my earlier e-mail but still no sound.  The case's front panel audio 
had two different connectors so I decided to try the other one and 
suddenly I had sound.

No idea what the difference is between the two connectors.  What's 
really strange is both front audio connection jacks are keyed correctly 
for the front panel audio out on the motherboard.  It's just one works 
and the other doesn't.


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-- Ambrose Bierce