Tim Alberts wrote: > Why does 'test -f' and 'test -e' return true on a (hidden) file that > doesn't exist? > > *> cat /home/talberts/.forward* > cat: /home/talberts/.forward: No such file or directory > *> test -f /home/talberts/.forward ;echo $?* > 1 > *> test -e /home/talberts/.forward ;echo $?* > 1 > > > _______________________________________________ > It doesn't: [root at gandalf ~]# cat /tmp/.test1 test1 [root at gandalf ~]# test -f /tmp/.test1 ; echo $?* 0* [root at gandalf ~]# test -f /tmp/.test1 ; echo $? 0 [root at gandalf ~]# cat /tmp/.test2 cat: /tmp/.test2: No such file or directory [root at gandalf ~]# test -f /tmp/.test2 ; echo $? 1 [root at gandalf ~]# test -e /tmp/.test2 ; echo $? 1 [root at gandalf ~]# -- Kind Regards Rudi Ahlers CEO, SoftDux Web: http://www.SoftDux.com Check out my technical blog, http://blog.softdux.com for Linux or other technical stuff, or visit http://www.WebHostingTalk.co.za for Web Hosting stuff