[CentOS] kickstart question

Thu May 1 00:53:07 UTC 2008
Ben <abnormaliti at clivepeeters.com.au>

Jerry Geis wrote:
> I have a couple lines like:
> part /     --ondisk=sda --fstype ext3 --size=20000 --asprimary
> part swap  --ondisk=sda               --size=4000  --asprimary
> part /home --ondisk=sda --fstype ext3 --size=1     --asprimary --grow
> in my kickstart file.
> Is there a way to have 1 kickstart file that works for hda and sda 
> both???
> So I would like to have 1 kickstart file that works for either a hda 
> install or sda install.
> Thanks,
> Jerry
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see the attached example of my partitioning %pre script i use for all my 

hope it helps.

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