[CentOS] can't get Tomcat5 to work on centos 5.1, how do I get it to work?

Fri May 9 06:47:19 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at softdux.com> wrote:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Cannot create
> It looks like it's running out of memory when starting more threads.
> Did you check if you have enough memory in this server to run Tomcat?
> I think you need at least 512MB for it, but I would recommend more.
> I know there are some tunings made to the JVM for it to request more
> memory. If you do "ps -ef | grep java" when Tomcat is started you will
> see some parameters starting with -X that will specify memory sizes,
> check how much it requests. I don't really know how to tweak those,
> check the script that starts Tomcat to see if it allows changing them.
> HTH,
> Filipe
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What you're saying could be true, but I don't think it's the case.

I have confirmed with the client, and he says that 128MB RAM would be 
enough for his app.

[root at vps06 /]# /etc/init.d/tomcat5 restart
Starting tomcat5:                                          [  OK  ]
[root at vps06 /]# ps -ef | grep java
tomcat   13918     1 62 02:40 ?        00:00:02 
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat5/common/endorsed -classpath 
-Dcatalina.base=/usr/share/tomcat5 -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat5 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

[root at vps06 /]# ps -ef | grep java
root     14011 12038  0 02:40 pts/0    00:00:00 grep java
[root at vps06 /]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           256         20        235          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:         20        235

As you can see, the first time I ran "ps -ef | grep java" I could see 
that it's starting up, but the second time, it's not running

I have another terminal open with top running, and the memory usage 
didn't even blink when I ran it


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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