[CentOS] raw device change back to root after reboot

Wed May 28 19:16:39 UTC 2008
mcclnx mcc <mcclnx at yahoo.com.tw>

We are setup new DELL 6800 server fro Informix database.  We create "raw" partitions and change "raw" partitions owner to "informix:informix".  After reboot owner change back to "root".

we don't have problem on CENTOS 3.X, but this problem happen on CENTOS 4.6.  I double check "SELINUX" is "disable".

does anyone know why it work on 3.X, but NOT on 4.6?

do I need modify /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions?  

if "yes", anyone have sample?


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