[CentOS] Re: Yum + priorities plugin question

Wed May 7 17:43:13 UTC 2008
Axel Thimm <Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net>

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 10:38:55AM -0700, jleaver+centos at reachone.com wrote:
> Axel Thimm wrote:
>> On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 07:54:11AM -0700, jleaver+centos at reachone.com wrote:
>>> I've recently started using the priorities plugin as part of my best
>>> practices.  It's very effective, and prevents nasty things from
>>> happening (like atrpms upgrading python and disabling yum.)
>> When did ATrpms replace python and I didn't notice?

> Er...  I don't have exact dates, it was last year, and a rash of my servers 
> all figured they oughtta get new python, yum, and rpms from the atrpms 
> repo.  Only, they botched it, and I had to manually downgrade.   Not sure 
> why.   Sorry, no intention to bash atrpms!  I use the repo extensively for 
> your lovely amavisd-new & friends stack, cpan rpms, and other stuffs.   I 
> should have been less general.

Well my question was rhetorical - ATrpms never replaced python
packages. Furthermore there have never been amavisd-new and friends on
ATrpms ever, so maybe you are confusing ATrpms and another repo?
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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