--- Ruslan Sivak <russ at vshift.com> wrote: > Sorry for posting this twice, didn't look like it > made it before... > > Russ > > Ruslan Sivak wrote: > > I had a raid5 on an onboard Intel ICH9R chip under > windows. Windows > > crashed, as it often does, and the array became > degraded. At some > > point during the rebuild, I was doing some > hardware maintanence and > > unplugged one of the drives, and forgot to plug it > back in. > > When I booted up, the array came back as failed. > I turned off the PC, > > plugged the drive back in and powered it back on, > but the array stayed > > as failed. > > Is there a way to recover the data? I heard > dmraid supports ich9r > > raid volumes, but I keep getting an error saying > unsupported map state > > 2. I found out that dmraid doesnt' support raid 5 > (at least not on a > > ICH9R chip). I heard about this patch: > > http://people.redhat.com/heinzm/sw/dm/dm-raid45/, > but I'm not sure how > > to apply it to a linux live cd. Does anyone have > any idea? > > Is there maybe a way to reset the metadata to make > the intel > > controller boot the array anyway? One of the best live Linux CD's out there is the FC8 http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/releases/8/Live/ uses the 2.6.23 kernel. Knoppix 5.1 is Jan07 and kernel 2.6.19 BTW, I hear a lot of negative things about dmraid and fakeraid. I have an FC5 desktop box dual booting WinXP and FC5 on fakeraid/Raid0 thats been perfect for over 3 years. That includes a kernel upgrade in FC5, which required me to run mkinitrd (since it froze during boot) to get it working. -- Mark ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ