[CentOS] "yum update" did not update kernel on one box

Tue May 13 21:14:21 UTC 2008
Lanny Marcus <lannyma at gmail.com>

On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 21:11 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> 53x73f2288el11aefa215d45923 at mail.gmail.com>
> X-Rcpt-To: <centos at centos.org>
>  wrote on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:53:21 -0500:
> > LV Name                /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
> > 
> >   LV Size                10.53 GB
> > 
> >   > And the output of pvdisplay.
> > 
> > [root at compaq1300 ~]# pvdisplay
> >   --- Physical volume ---
> >   PV Name               /dev/hda9
> >   VG Name               VolGroup00
> Ok, that clarifies that the VG on /dev/hda3 is not in use at all and your 
> CentOS is indeed installed on the LV on hda9. I still wonder how this mess 
> was created. Did you have an earlier Linux installation on it and forgot 
> to wipe that completely before you installed CentOS?

Kai: There was an earlier installation with Fedora Core or CentOS, and
Windows 98 on it.. I think that I wiped the drive, before installing Win
XP and CentOS 5, but that was almost 6 months ago and I am not 100%
positive that I did in fact wipe the HD. For the earlier Linux
installations, I did the partitioning manually, with Disk Druid. 

> I think the easiest way to get you back on track is to edit your fstab. 
> There is a line about /boot in it that points to /dev/hda3. Change that to 
> /dev/hda8. This is all.
> But before you do that, please check that there is indeed a grub.conf on 
> it that contains the "old" information. You know the path I gave you was 
> slightly wrong. Once you have confirmed that you can make the change to 
> fstab (/etc/fstab). Be really careful when you do that as the wrong 
> changes can make your system unbootable.

I will reread this entire thread and then keep my fingers crossed and do
it. If I make her system unbootable, my wife will be unhappy...... 

> Once the change is done the *next* kernel that gets installed will go to 
> the correct boot partition and the correct grub.conf will be updated with 
> the correct information to boot with the new kernel.

Thank you, for all of the time and expertise you have shared with me!