[CentOS] broken GFS

Wed May 14 19:37:54 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Doug Tucker wrote:
> My whole issue is around GFS, which is officially supported (someone
> else hijacked this thread with XFS which got more attention), and in my
> statement I said: "Keep in mind this is not an unsupported XFS that
> someone hijacked my thread with."  So I'm agreeing that XFS should never
> be brought up in the same fashion as GFS, as it is not a supported file
> system.  GFS is, and it is my opinion RH should release the 2 together.

GFS is only 'officially supported' under a seperate $$$$ contract from 
Red Hat.  And, if you're a GFS customer of Red Hat's, I'm pretty darn 
sure the first thing they do is disable kernel updates... In fact, I 
seem to recall that RHEL4 ships with kernel updates disabled, you have 
to use `up2date --force` or something to enable them.