[CentOS] Best Motherboard

Fri May 16 09:25:20 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

Sam Drinkard wrote:
> Simon Jolle sjolle wrote:
>> On 05/15/2008 04:24 PM, Sam Drinkard wrote:
>>>    About 2 years ago, I build a server     
>> [...]
>> What are the advantages of building your own server comparing with
>> products from HP, Dell and IBM? Is it cheaper?
>> I never heard of DIY server hardware market.
>> cheers
>> Simon
> Basically, I built it because I wanted certain components in/on the 
> system and could not get it configured that way from any vendor.  I've 
> built every PC I've ever owned.  I select components based on the type 
> of use they would get, and the applications they are going to run.  As 
> for price, sometimes cheaper, sometimes more expensive depending on 
> what you put in it, but in the end, when it all comes together, you 
> have something to be proud of because you built it yourself.
> Sam
That's the way I prefer todo it as well :)

This way, whether it's a server or desktop, I know it will be easy & 
cheaper to upgrade than using proprietary / pre-build systems like Dell 
for instance.


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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