[CentOS] RAID5 or RAID50 for database?

Thu May 22 15:02:53 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

mcclnx mcc wrote:
> we have DELL 6800 server with 12 internal disks in it. O.S. is CENTOS
> 4.6 and SCSI control card is PERC 4e/di.
> We plan to configure 4 disks (5,8,9,10) as RAID5 or RAID50. This
> logical volume will be use as file systems and store database backup
> files.
> Can anyone tell me which one is better on performance?

raid50 requires 2 or more raid 5 volumes.

with 4 disks, thats just not an option.

for file storage (including backup files from a database), raid5 is
probably fine... for primary database tablespace storage, I'd only use
raid1 or raid10.