[CentOS] sed

Fri May 23 17:10:50 UTC 2008
Stephen Harris <lists at spuddy.org>

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 06:59:24PM +0200, Thomas Johansson wrote:
> Stephen Harris wrote:

> >  sed 's/^\([^    ]*[     ]*[^    ]*\)\([   ]*.*\)$/\1.contoso.com\2/'
> >
> >(where there's a space *and* a TAB inside each of the [  ]  )
> >  
> The above version easier to read and "copy paste". Space is space and tabe 
> is \t
> sed 's/^\([^ \t]*[ \t]*[^ \t]*\)\([ \t]*.*\)$/\1.contoso.com\2/'

I grew up with versions of 'sed' that don't understand this new-fangled
method of specifying tabs, and write enough cross-platform code that
I can't rely on it (still doesn't work in Solaris 10, for example).

