[CentOS] read only root file system

Sat May 24 08:40:43 UTC 2008
Fajar Priyanto <fajarpri at cbn.net.id>

On Saturday 24 May 2008 12:05:30 Fred Noz wrote:
> Responding to a question posted earlier this month, Centos 5.1 includes
> configuration files for enabling the read-only root filesystem.
> Actually, all filesystems can be mounted read-only with particular files
> and directories mounted on a read-write tmpfs (in RAM). This capability
> comes directly from the upstream provider.

> When your computer comes back up, the root and any other system
> partitions will be mounted read-only.  All the files and directories
> listed in /etc/rwtab will be mounted read-write on a tmpfs filesystem.
> You can add additional files and directories to rwtab to make them
> writable after reboot.
> Note that this system is stateless.  When you reboot again, everything
> written to the tmpfs filesystem vanishes and the system will be exactly
> as it was the last time it was booted. You could add a writable
> filesystem on disk or NFS for writing files you want to retain after
> rebooting.

This is very interesting. Thanks for the sharing Fred. So, it's somekind of 
Live CD on a disk? I can't think of a practical benefit of using such system, 
is it to protect it from unwanted modification?

Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 
15:40:28 up 7:29, 2.6.22-14-generic GNU/Linux 
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