[CentOS] Secure iptables settings

Wed May 28 11:58:27 UTC 2008
Sébastien AVELINE <saveline at alinto.net>

Joseph L. Casale a écrit :
>> I really didn't understand what you are trying to accomplish. Please
>> give more details, perhaps explain what problem are you trying to
>> solve.
>> Filipe
> Filipe,
> No problem, but rather just want to make sure the original config never changes or persists past a reboot.
> Thanks,
> jlc
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You can add your iptables rules on command line and when you are 
satisfied do a:
service iptables save
It will rewrite the rules into /etc/sysconfig/iptables. Make sure your 
iptables service is configured for being started on boot (chkconfig 
iptables on).
