[CentOS] Re: centos on ebox

Thu May 29 18:08:50 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

Jerry Geis wrote:
>> Jerry Geis wrote:
>> >>/
>> />>/ On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 11:46:53AM -0400, Jerry Geis wrote:
>> />>/ >/ />/ I am trying to install centos i386 on a ebox 2300 unit.
>> />>/ /http://www.embeddedpc.net/eBox2300/tabid/110/Default.aspx ?
>> />>/
>> />>/ you won't make it with only 128 MB of RAM...
>> />>/ is the cpu i686 compatible?
>> />/ /
>> >/ yes this is the box I am trying to install on...
>> />/ />/ I dont know if its i686, either way I thought i386 should 
>> work. I am I />/ wrong?
>> /
>> None of the RHEL branches support any processors that are < i686 for 
>> the i386 arch.
>> CentOS supports i586 in centOS-3 and CentOS-4 (things not in RHEL) .. 
>> and only i686 in CentOS-2 and CentOS-5 (just like RHEL).
>> So, NO ... and i586 processor will not run CentOS-5.
>> >/ />/ Is it the 128M memory issue? I thought I used to install with 
>> that much />/ - especially in text mode.
>> />/ />/ Any suggestions.
>> /
>> doing some research ... this is a pentium mmx compatible chip, which 
>> is i586 ... you can use CentOS-4 on there.
> I just tried my old centos 4.4 i386 disk 1
> did "linux text mem=128M" and the same thing.
> after vmlinuz.., and initrd... it just resets.
> Am I not boot with the correct options to get the 386 kernel and its 
> trying to use the 686 kernel?

now do:

i586 text mem=128


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