[CentOS] XFS or JFS on CentOS 5?

Sorin Srbu

sorin.srbu at orgfarm.uu.se
Tue Nov 25 07:41:57 UTC 2008

MHR <> scribbled on Friday, November 21, 2008 7:01 PM:

> So, your situation is the real determining factor.  If it's important
> enough to your place of employment, do a study to see what works best
> for you and go with that.  Otherwise, I'd say just stick with ext3 as
> long as that works for you.

No, no, this is directed purely at home use. I've been playing around with
MythTV a bit, which usually sooner or later means big files-handling. Ext3 is
not that good at that.

At work, I wouldn't dream of exchanging ext3 in favour of anything else on our
*nix servers and workstations. Ext3 is there and just works (good enough).
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