[CentOS] Tired of Fedora, shopping for a new OS. Upgrade from F8 ? CentOS kernel versions ?

Wed Nov 5 18:54:54 UTC 2008
Vandaman <vandaman2002-rt at yahoo.co.uk>

Linuxguy123 wrote:

> I've been a RH/Fedora guy since the RH8 days.  When
> Fedora came along, I
> moved to it, but its been a bit painful beta testing
> software all the
> time.   I ran Ubuntu for a while, but I found their package
> management
> to be difficult... I do a lot of technical work,
> development and loading
> and building special stuff.  I much prefer RPMs over other
> methods of
> package distribution.
> I'm listening if you have any other comments or advice
> on my situation. 

You are the guy who is having a bit of a moan on the Fedora
list about KDE. How many patches have you contributed to 
Fedora or to CentOS? This is open source after all, you have
access to the source.
