[CentOS] re: HA Storage

Sun Nov 9 16:30:42 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Stephen Harris wrote:

> ZFS is really nice.  If VMware was supported on Solaris 86 then I
> would have built my own home server with Solaris rather than CentOS.
> (Although I'm not using VMware on that machine, at present; merely
> UserModeLinux for my protected instances).  But CentOS is handling my
> 5*1Tbyte RAID5 OK for now :-)

You know the inverse is true right? Solaris is supported on
VMWare ESX(i). Though SATA disks are not officially supported
by the VMFS file system in 3.x.

ESXi is as free as VMware server.
