[SOLVED] [CentOS] disk space issues...any help is greatly appreciated

Wed Nov 26 16:39:47 UTC 2008
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

Ray Leventhal wrote:
> There was a 3.5hr power outage last night which explains it all.  Sadly, 
> I've got some investigation to do about why my *supposed* 5hrs of 
> battery backup didn't last long enough to cover, but the
> mount point was, in fact, unmounted and so rsync did it's job right into 
> the folder as opposed to the ext. drive.

Well, the system must have stayed up otherwise it couldn't have done the 
rsync backup at all. It sounds more like only the ext. usb drive went 
down which prompts the question - was it connected to the backup battery 