[CentOS] how can I stress a server?

Tue Nov 18 21:44:48 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <rudiahlers at gmail.com>

> I think I mentioned this already but I use the Cerberus test suite
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/va-ctcs/
> Haven't had to use it in a while but works quite well, a lot of
> big OEMs use it as well for their burn in tests. For me it found
> problems much faster than memtest86. Apparently it was developed
> by VA Linux(If your familiar with that name)
> Been meaning to setup a pxe linux boot environment with this in
> there so I can run it without the full blown OS on there, but
> haven't had a chance yet.
> nate
> _______________________________________________

Thanx nate, I'll check it out :)


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers