[CentOS] CentOS/RHEL, PHP and zip archives

Thu Nov 20 06:13:27 UTC 2008
David G. Miller <dave at davenjudy.org>

I'm trying to get bulk photo uploads working with a Drupal web site.  
The person who coded the Drupal photos module I'm using decided to use a 
zip archive as a means of batching together a collection of picture 
files for a bulk upload.  Apache is reporting the following PHP error 
when the bulk upload feature is used:

[Sun Nov 16 22:05:38 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal 
error:  Class 'ZipArchive'
not found in 
/var/www/fraud/html/davesBlog/sites/all/modules/photos/photos.module on 
line 1375,
 referer: http://davenjudy.org/davesBlog/node/39/photos

The PHP code at line 1375 in photos.module is an unremarkable 
instantiation of the zip archive handling object.  Some Google searches 
indicate that zip archive handling is a compile time option of PHP and 
lack of it would cause this error.  Running php -i tells me that the 
CentOS/RHEL PHP was not built with the --enable-zip configuration option.

Does anyone know of a way to get PHP to correctly handle zip archives 
short of rebuilding my PHP installation from the source RPM with 
--enable-zip as a configuration option?

Dave Miller

Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce