[CentOS] Stop the FUD Xen is not deprecated

Wed Nov 26 01:29:14 UTC 2008
Ross Walker <rswwalker at gmail.com>

On Nov 25, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Adam Tauno Williams  
<awilliam at whitemice.org> wrote:

>>> I was thinking about implementing Xen for our school district. Now
>>> that
>>> I'm hearing all of this I guess I need to look at something else.
>>> What does everyone recommend?
>>> Thanks
>> How much money do you have?
>> What (how many systems, what do they do?) do you actually want to
>> virtualize?
>> Are you going to be around your school for the next couple of years?
>> ;-)
>> On a small scale, running VMware ESX3i
> I'd recommend the ESX3i if your server count is low (thus you won't  
> need
> Virtual Center, which is not free).  VMware works amazingly well, is
> going to be around for the forseeable future, has excellent vendor
> support, and a HUGE community of users.  And installation/setup is  
> akin
> to falling off the proverbial log.

I second that.

Plus you can buy into Virtual Center/Foundation later and have your  
existing ESXi hosts merged into the management framework as they are  
and gain VMotion, HA, DR, VDI, etc.
