[CentOS] Re: correct way to set centos 5 amd64 to performance mode

Fri Nov 7 19:36:11 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 11-7-2008 6:03 AM Jerry Geis spake the following:
> what is the correct way to set an AMD64 CPU into performance mode at
> boot time?
> I have tried doing service network cpuspeed start, then killall -SIGUSR1
> cpuspeed
> and this works but I cant get it working this way at boot. I have set
> chkconfig cpuspeed on but that
> didnt seem to help.
> I just want this particular machine to boot in performance mode and stay
> there.
> Jerry
Can you just turn it off in the bios?

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