2008/11/8 Dirk H. Schulz <dirk.schulz at kinzesberg.de>: > I will stick to installing the modules from rpms. By the way, seems that > there are some missing dependencies: The module I installed for usage is > perl-Nagios-Plugin, but that did not lead to installation of > perl-Class-Accessor. Should I inform someone of that (whom? how?). That's strange. The META.yaml[1] for that module clearly includes Class::Accessor as a pre-requisite. And I'd expect that to filter through to become an rpm dependency. But looking at the spec file for the rpm[2], it's clearly missing (with a few other dependencies). Looks like the rpm spec was built by Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com> - you might want to mention your problem to him. Actually, a better approach might be to use the official RPM Forge feedback mechanisms[3]. Hope that helps, Dave... [1] http://search.cpan.org/src/TONVOON/Nagios-Plugin-0.27/META.yml [2] http://svn.rpmforge.net/svn/trunk/rpms/perl-Nagios-Plugin/perl-Nagios-Plugin.spec [3] https://rpmrepo.org/RPMforge/Feedback