[CentOS] Re: Linux backup help

Fri Nov 14 21:09:48 UTC 2008
Amos Shapira <amos.shapira at gmail.com>

Is there a way to "freeze" a list of installed packages and exact
versions, then tell yum (or any other tool/script) to install exactly
these verions either on the same or another systme?

I'm asking from perspective of being able to update and test in my
test or staging environment then when tests pass I want to replicate
the exact list of package versions in production.



On 11/12/08, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz at comcast.net> wrote:
> Kevin Kempter <kevin at kevinkempterllc.com>
> writes:
>> Hi All;
>> I'm awaiting a new linux laptop that will be my primary work machine. I
>> want
>> to implement a strategy that allows me as easily as possible to revert
>> back
>> to a former state. My primary concern is a scenario where I apply system
>> updates and it breaks something that for me is critical.
>> I wonder if a simple rsync script would work. If so, here's what I'm
>> thinking:
>> 1) updates are available so I execute the rsync script which pulls any
>> updated
>> files from my laptop to a backup server/drive
>> 2) apply updates
>> 3) if something breaks (even if I can no longer login) I boot the laptop,
>> run
>> the rsync script in the opposite direction (push files from the backup
>> drive
>> to the laptop)
>> I assume that if I were to execute step 3 above that my system would be in
>> the
>> exact state that it was before I ran the updates. Is this a correct
>> assumption ?  Are there better approaches ?
>> Thanks in advance..
> Look at rsnapshot, which is rsync based and enables hourly, daily,
> weekly and monthly rotating backups.
> This is what I used on my laptop, to an external USB HD. It provides an
> OSX Time Machine like schema, albeit without the fancy GUI.
> http://rsnapshot.org/
> HTH,
> Marc Schwartz
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