[CentOS] HW issue during instalaltion

Tue Nov 18 15:52:42 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Philip Manuel wrote:
> We tend to use CentOS for our desktops as well, hence the request to
> this mailing list.  We do not wish to have Ubuntu installed.

1) track down the driver for your hardware and hack it into
   the installation by hand. I've had to do this on several
   occasions for newer hardware(well not since CentOS 4.4)
2) Buy from a vendor that tests/certifies with CentOS/RHEL
   so you know it works when it arrives.

I highly suggest #2, less pain all around. I'd only suggest
#1 for really experienced linux admins. #1 can take a significant
amount of time/testing.
