[SOLVED] [CentOS] disk space issues...any help is greatly appreciated

Wed Nov 26 16:41:49 UTC 2008
Toby Bluhm <tkb at alltechmedusa.com>

Ray Leventhal wrote:
> Sorin Srbu wrote:
>> Ray Leventhal <> scribbled on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 3:50 PM:
>>> I have additional HDDs available if growing the partition is in order
>>> (would appreciate pointers to that, if applicable), but I'm really
>>> stumped as to where the space is being eaten up.
>> Try a yum clean all. That might help. But if it's as you say, not 
>> connected to   
> Hi again all,
> There was a 3.5hr power outage last night which explains it all.  Sadly, 
> I've got some investigation to do about why my *supposed* 5hrs of 
> battery backup didn't last long enough to cover, but the
> mount point was, in fact, unmounted and so rsync did it's job right into 
> the folder as opposed to the ext. drive.

You may want to add some logic to your rsync script to check for a 
properly mounted disk.
