[CentOS] Replacement for Intel SDS2 Motherboard
Camron W. Fox
cwfox at us.fujitsu.comTue Oct 21 18:18:30 UTC 2008
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Alle, We have recently had one of our office servers go south. The hardware was an Intel SDS2 motherboard (EATX), Dual Intel PIII 1.4GHz FC-PGA2-L2 512KB, 3GB (6x512MB) 168 pin DIMM, SDRAM 133MHz/PC-133-ECC with 1x3Ware 7006-2 and 2x3Ware 7506-4LP RAID controllers. The OS was RHEL3. Apparently, according to the beep codes, there has been an FRB failure. I've migrated most of the services (mail,web,proxy,samba,mysql,mailman,home directories) to an interim box running CentOS 5.2. At a minimum, I need to replace the motherboard and CPUS (I'm told they are unrecoverable). All the remaining hardware I plan to re-use, as well as moving from RHEL to CentOS. Does anyone have any recommendations on replacement motherboards with CentOS 5.2 in mind, along with the re-usable hardware requirements? Best Regards, Camron -- Camron W. Fox Hilo Office High Performance Computing Group Fujitsu Management Services of America, Inc. E-mail: cwfox at us.fujitsu.com
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